Corrosion is the most frequent cause of structural failure.
Coatings serve as a protective barrier between steel and the corrosive elements that destroy. HOT Inspection, provides the expertise to assure the quality of coatings application and maintenance through inspection and documentation. We provide coating evaluations to assess the existing condition of tanks, inside and out. Interior inspections can be performed with an ROV to eliminate safety issues, downtime and ensure zero contamination of potable water.
Liners serve as protective barriers to the primary structure and are thicker than coatings. Designed to resist wear and a variety of corrosive environments, liners are essentially the primary containment of a storage tank. A multitude of different materials are used for liners which require innovative testing techniques for evaluation. High voltage spark testing and vacuum testing has been one of the most effective means for determining leak tightness. We provide experience in material technology which becomes very important in the visual assessment of the liner.